Blood Type Influence Personality

Personality assessment through blood type analysis has been prevalent in Japan sine the early 1970’s. The Japanese term for this theory is ‘ketsu-eki-gata’, and is taken surprisingly seriously by the people from that part of the world. Books have been published on the topic, selling very well. In fact, Toshitaka Nomi has published over twenty-five books, and is considered the worlds leading expert on the topic. The blood type categories are used in a similar way to astrology in the west, focusing mostly on relationship aspects of life. Nomi goes further in his books though, even using blood type make up within a country as a theory for that nationality’s general national traits.

Japanese companies often take blood type into consideration when hiring employees, to ensure harmony throughout the staff. All the major car companies in Japan have reorganised themselves in order to attain positive blood type combinations in different working sectors. Surveys have been carried out to try and determine the preferences of different blood types, be it for food, clothes or any recreational activity. It is also a popular topic of conversation in social settings.

Having met with initial scepticism in the western world, the use of blood type analysis as a tool for determining personality and other psychophysical characteristics began to be accepted. A father and son team of physicians in North America (the D’Adamo’s) published a book called ‘The D’Adamo Diet’. In it they postulated that different blood types could react differently with dissimilar types of food. In his research James D’Adamo found this to be true. People of blood type A and AB could thrive on a vegetarian diet, and those of blood type B could survive, although not as well. Type ‘O’ people, experienced severe difficulty when deprived of animal protein. The explanation behind this finding is that type ‘O’ is the oldest blood type, and because of the near carnivorous nature of the diet in days gone by, people with this type of blood have a large genetic need for meat. Different blood types evolved over millions of years because of the need to adapt to specific food shortages through the ages.

It is because these basic connections between blood type and diet were easily proven that experts began focusing on less obvious connections, such as personality traits. It was theorised that because evolutionary change altered immune systems and digestive tracts (hence the development of blood types), that mental and emotional characteristics would also be likely to change over such a long time. These basic changes could over millions of years develop into distinct behaviours and psychological patterns. Here is a guide to the personality traits that are supposedly common in the different blood types.

Type O blood types are defined generally as warriors. This is perhaps because Type O is the oldest of all the blood types. These people are highly motivated, leaders of people. They aren’t afraid to gamble because they are confident they can pull it off. They have a strong physical presence and are generally good at sport. However because they are leaders they can often be seen as status seeking, and obsessive in their quest for success. This obsession can also make them seem boring to other people.

Type A blood types are defined as farmers. They are considered conventional in all that they do. They are considerate to other people, and find it hard to tell lies. Loyalty towards friends and co-workers is another trait. On the downside they can be secretive. This means they don’t often share their feelings, and can become insecure and pessimistic. Apparently, once they’ve had a few drinks they can turn into nasty pieces of work.

Type B blood types are defined as hunters. Contrary to Farmer types these people are non-conventional, and care little for other people’s opinions. This makes them thick-skinned. This doesn’t mean they are uncaring. Indeed, they are extremely passionate about things dear to them. The negative side to their personality is that they can seem shallow to other people, and lazy, because they might not do what other people request. If they don’t get their own way they can seem impatient.

Type AB blood types are considered humanists. They are quite rare. They go with the head rather than the heart. They like accord among people, and therefore play a good role as a mediator within a group. They are also good with money. Unfortunately, with trying to please everyone, they can seem to be two faced.

You may think that this type of personality assessment is far-fetched and medically unfounded. But why do so many Japanese believe in it? Of course, as in astrology, popular amongst many in the western world this type of assessment shouldn’t be taken too seriously. However, research has proven that there is a point behind the practise. So please, find out your blood type and see if you match the traits above. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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